Keeping healthy through the festive season
While you may not have the Christmas you would have wished for, there is still an opportunity for enjoying time with your loved ones. However, this can be a time of stress and tension, as well as throwing caution to the wind!
We share some tips…
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Rest or Move About?
One of the questions I am often asked - should I rest or move about when I have back pain. Am I making it worse?
Gone are the days when the guidance was to go to bed for a period of time!
So, what should you do?
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Ice or Heat?
Whilst I am focusing this advice on lower back pain, ice and heat can be very effective as pain relief for many areas of the body. Both ice and heat are simple, inexpensive, and have very few side effects, and yet they are often overlooked as a valid treatment.
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Lightening the Load
September heralds a welcome return to school for all children. Despite continuing concerns about Coronavirus, children are in desperate need of the mental stimulation as well as the companionship of their friends.
No doubt you will have received guidance on new arrangements for school, but we are willing to bet that doesn't include looking after your child's back!
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We want you back for good
When patients visit us for the first time they are usually focused on fixing their pain. Once that initial pain has gone, they feel able to manage on their own.
Interestingly, as more patients are returning after lockdown, many have reported 'I can really feel it has been too long since my last visit'. Of course, this could partly be because they haven't able to visit the gym or have their regular massage treatment, but there is more to it than that...
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On the Road Again...
It is estimated that UK drivers spend an average of 293 hours per year driving. Over 20% of that time is likely to be commuting to work, with another 35 hours visiting friends and family.
As more people return to work, as well as plan UK holidays, and that's not including all the people who drive for a living, we look at some tips to help ease some of that tension.
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In the Garden
After being cooped up indoors it's very easy to get carried away with the nice weather, starting big projects, now you can get out to the garden centres.
As the clinic has opened up again, we are already seeing the first "casualties" of ambitious projects.
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Keep Walking...
Did you know that May is National Walking Month?
The original concept was conceived to encourage everybody to reduce time in their cars, and walk to work or school instead. Whilst that may not be possible at the moment, now, more than ever, most of us are appreciating the joys of walking.
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Coronavirus update - 1 April 2020
Sadly, we have had to close the Clinic, due to COVID-19, in line with Government guidelines, and the Chiropractic Association and regulatory body guidance.
We are awaiting further advice and will update you, as soon as we know more.
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