Raking not Back Breaking...
It’s that time of year when the Autumn leaves are falling fast. And whilst they might look beautiful, we are often in a hurry to scoop them up out of the way.
No problem, but you wouldn’t believe the number of visits I have from patients who have overdone it.
So, what should you do?
Do a few stretching exercises and ensure you are warm before starting any gardening.
When raking, take a wide stance – with feet shoulder width apart. Bend the knees and keep your hips and arms soft – not too rigid.
Be careful when you are putting leaves in the wheelbarrow or bag to bend the knees. If you have a lot of leaves to clear try and do it in smaller stints rather repetitively bending.
Rather than one or two big bags, opt for smaller bags if taking leaves to the tip – reducing the strain on your back. And remember to bend your knees when lifting too.
Take care that you are not over stretching when you empty bags at the tip – sometimes the gap over the containers can be quite big.
After work in the garden stretch out your muscles and treat yourself to a warm bath or shower.
If you have overdone it, try and do some light stretching a few times a day and see If this will help to settle It down again.
If not, we are always happy for you to book an appointment.